The Ivory Game
Our critically acclaimed 2016 feature documentary was produced in collaboration with Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way Productions. In the style of an investigative thriller, it follows conservationists, activists, and undercover operatives working to expose the criminal networks behind global ivory trafficking. The film was instrumental in convincing state leaders to impose a nationwide ban on the ivory trade.
Sea of Shadows
Terra Mater’s 2019 feature documentary directed by Richard Ladkani focuses on the vaquita, the world’s most endangered marine mammal. Investigative journalism, captivating cinematography, and high-stakes action combined to create a film with a powerful message and equally powerful impact. As well as gathering 98,000 petition signatures, the film saw 600 marines deployed to the vaquita refuge in Mexico, more than 20 traffickers arrested, and $170m of illegal swimbladder confiscated.