Five News & Documentary Emmy® Awards Nominations for TMFS
July 2016: Nominees for the 37th Annual News & Documentary Emmy® Awards announced
The nominees for the 37th Annual News & Documentary Emmy® Awards have just been announced in New York by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
The awards will be presented on September 21st, 2016 at a ceremony in the Time Warner Complex at Columbus Circle in New York City, an event which more than 1,000 television and news media industry representatives are expected to attend.
Awards will be handed out in 46 categories, with TMFS productions listed in two. The yearly awards honour programming distributed during the previous calendar year.
In the category of Outstanding Nature Programming, the three-part programme ‘Animal Homes – Natural Born Engineers’, a production about the ingenious and creative home- and nest-building techniques of animals around the globe, has been nominated.
Furthermore, a nomination in the same category has gone out to ‘Mystery Monkeys of Shangri-La’, a documentary about the mysterious Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys, living in a hidden valley of the Himalayas.
And a third of the five nominees within the Outstanding Nature Programming category has been produced by TMFS as well: ‘Soul of the Elephant’, written and directed by outstanding nature filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert, follows in the footsteps of Africa’s iconic creatures: elephants.
The Outstanding Cinematography: Documentary and Long Form category is home to nominations of two TMFS productions: the aforementioned ‘Animal Homes – Natural Born Engineers’, alongside ‘Wild Yellowstone’, which follows iconic American animals such as grizzly bears, bison and wolves during the seasons in Yellowstone National Park.
TMFS feel very honoured by these nominations and want to thank their production partners for the accomplished work and congratulate them on the nominations.
We are very much looking forward to the award ceremony in September 2016.