It’s Festival Season!
November 2016: With autumn in full swing, various international film festivals are currently taking place – and are awarding TMFS productions with different kinds of prizes and honours.
The 32nd edition of the Festival International du Film Ornithologique in Menigoute, France honoured “Mystery Monkeys of Shangri-La”, our production about the endangered Snub-nosed monkeys, with the Price Protection de la Nature.
Furthermore, the three-part series “Animal Homes – Natural Born Engineers” was awarded the Price Paul Géroudet.
At the Festival International Nature Namur, Belgium, the production “Giraffe – Up high and personal” was awarded the Scenario Award for the filmmaker’s achievements in storytelling.
With over 200 films taking part in the Belgian festival, only five of the participating movies were honoured with an award from the jury.
It’s always a great honour if Austrian festivals recognise our work; the Innsbruck Nature Film Festival 2016 has chosen “David Attenborough’s Light on Earth” as the winning entry for Best Nature Documentary, and has furthermore dealt out an Honourable Mention in the same category to “Soul of the Elephant” – thusly having two TMFS productions being granted all the honours of the category of Best Nature Documentary.
Mountainfilm Graz 2016, International Filmfestival since 1986 and therefore in its 30th edition this year, has honoured the production “Giraffe – Up high and personal” with the Kamera Alpin in Gold in the category Nature and Environment.
Moreover, “Mystery Monkeys of Shangri-La” won the Grand Prix Graz 2016. The jury’s statement regarding the awarding was: “Those monkeys survive in the mountains, using their social network characterized by tenderness, beauty, also cruelty, but always empathy, in a natural and harmonic way. They set an example for all of us for whom “living together” is so important. This film is a little jewel. Therefore, the “Grand Prix Graz 2016” goes to the best that can be done in the field of nature and environment.”