Romy Award for “Brothers of the Wind”
April 2016. Terra Mater Factual Studios proudly announce that the feature film production “Brothers of the Wind” received the prestigious Austrian Romy Award for Best Camera in the theatrical category this weekend.
The whole team feels honored as specifically the exceptional images of the epic and timeless story about a boy and his eagle friend were awarded.
“The actual direction of this film was led by nature itself. Only if you respect the natural world as it is and handle it with care, you will be able to capture these kind of images”, stated director and cameraman Otmar Penker upon receiving the award. This not only reflects the spirit of the film, but all of Terra Mater Factual Studios’ productions in general.
Watch as Tiergarten Schönbrunn’s CEO Dagmar Schratter hands over the Romy award to director Otmar Penker.
We congratulate Otmar Penker and Oscar Durán on their sublime and visually stunning masterpiece.