In the wild, a 2018 ROMY-winning scene unfolds with a lion family feasting. The adult male and female flank the cub, who wears a curious expression. Meanwhile, the female licks her lips amid the dry, grassy landscape.
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The Lions Ruling the 2018 ROMY

On Thursday, April 05th 2018, the ROMY-Academy prizes were awarded at the Grand Hotel Vienna. The ROMY for the “Best TV-Documentary” went to the 3-part series “The Lions Rule”, produced by Terra Mater Factual Studios in co-production with National Geographic Channel and Doclights/NDR Naturfilm in association with ARTE France / Unité Découverte et Connaissance and Shibumi Films.

The ROMY (also Kurier ROMY) is an Austrian Film- and TV-Prize, which is awarded annually by the daily newspaper “Kurier”, named after Austrian actress Romy Schneider.

“The Lions Rule” is a bewitching saga that unfolds in a place where animal behavior is unusual, sometimes bizarre. Here, in the wilderness of Tanzania, lions lay down with baboons, lions kill giraffes, giraffes mourn their dead and buffaloes fight back.

This is already the second ROMY for TMFS. After a Nomination in 2017 for “The Ivory Game“, “Brothers of the Wind“ – the most successful cinema feature produced in Austria in 2016 – received the ROMY for “Best Camera”.